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There is so much I wish I had known!

Don't get me wrong I love learning Japanese but.....

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don't want you to struggle like I did!


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But no one ever told me what to expect, what to do, how to study, and no one ever bothered to teach me the tools and tricks to learning Japanese!

If you are already learning Japanese do you feel my pain?

I often wondered why my teachers never gave me the tools to learn Japanese... The must have known them they were teaching the language right?

My name is Aaron Nagasaka. As I mentioned above I have been learning Japanese for over 25 years. I know what it takes to learn Japanese.

I know the frustrations you face and I don't want you to have to struggle like I did!

To help you on your Japanese language journey, I have put together the most important things every learner needs when starting out! 

This book will give you the essential tools to not only build an amazing Japanese language mansion but have so much fun along the way! 


 Let’s face it… chances are if you’re reading this then you know that there is something wrong with how your are learning Japanese. You know there is more to what your are doing! 


And here’s why!


Because you have a desire to learn, to be better and to explore the amazing hidden treasures that the Japanese language holds. 


Japanese is not just about the grammar, kanji, and writing!


Are you ready to take the next step to unlocking your 'Japanese Brain' and taking it to the next level?

What will you learn?

  •  You will learn all about your secret of your Japanese Brain! This is one of the coolest things I discovered about learning Japanese!

  • You will learn the power of setting Japanese goals.

  • You will learn how to use your Japanese brain and one of the coolest things about how to begin activating it.

  • We will delve into Japanese Brain freeze and how to prevent it!

  • You will discover the Japanese clarity tool!

  • Last of all we will look at power boosters for your Japanese and how to have fun learning! 


This book is not designed to teach you the language! But it is designed to teach you the tools to activate your Japanese brain so that you can then begin learning Japanese. 

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Before climbing Mt Fuji, I had to plan when I was going, what I needed to take and how I was going to get there! I did not just jump in the car and say lets climb Mt Fuji. I needed a map, guides and the no how.

The same goes for your Japanese! don’t just jump into the deep end of a swimming pool and hope you can swim. You need the tools, and methods to actually swim, then you need to practice in shallow water with an instructor. 


The same goes for your Japanese!

 You need the tools and methods on how to actually study the language. 


This book can greatly help you as you begin, or continue to learn Japanese. 

I wish someone had given me this when I first stared 24 years ago. This would have totally changed my Japanese and where I am today!  


I can’t go back, but I can help you who are just starting, who are on the path, or who are teaching Japanese to others. 

Click Below to get your copy today!

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